In addition to intravenous therapy cocktails, we also offer vitamin and mineral supplements. These add-ons can be part of your infusion or administered through a single injection or multiple injections. For personalized intravenous vitamin and mineral therapy, call us or schedule an appointment through our website.
Powerful antioxidant, liver detoxification, immune system improvement, toxin metabolism, wound repair, neutralizes free radicals.
NAD+ $40
It plays a crucial role in promoting health and extending lifespan. As we age, our body produces less and less of this coenzyme. This is one of the reasons why we begin to feel the effects of aging and become more susceptible to age-related diseases as the years pass. Supplementing with NAD+ is a holistic and entirely natural way to help your body combat aging and disease, promoting a healthier and younger feeling. The effects include:
Reduced fatigue/higher energy levels
Improved memory and increased concentration
Pain relief/anti-inflammatory
Enhanced metabolism
Improved mood
Reduced anxiety/depression
Faster recovery from injury/exercise
Increased stamina/better physical performance
Feeling of youth/cellular repair
Other Injectables
Cognitive enhancement, energy production, increased metabolism, cellular repair, anti-aging, and improvement in anxiety/depression.
Aids in anemia, boosts energy, improves mood, aids in recovery from illnesses, cellular metabolism, weight loss, neurological function, DNA function, and red blood cell development.
$15.00 single
$45.00 three (3) per week
Helps metabolism, a supplement for weight loss, facilitates the burning of adipose tissue in the body, eliminates toxins, and increases energy.
$30.00 single
$60.00 two (2) per week
It plays a crucial role in promoting health and extending lifespan. As we age, our body produces less and less of this coenzyme. This is one of the reasons why we begin to feel the effects of aging and become more susceptible to age-related diseases as the years pass. Supplementing with NAD+ is a holistic and entirely natural way to help your body combat aging and disease, promoting a healthier and younger feeling. The effects include:
Reduced fatigue/higher energy levels
Improved memory and increased concentration
Pain relief/anti-inflammatory
Enhanced metabolism
Improved mood
Reduced anxiety/depression
Faster recovery from injury/exercise
Increased stamina/better physical performance
Feeling of youth/cellular repair
$15.00 single
$60.00 four (4) injections
$120.00 eight (8) injections
Helps metabolism, a supplement for weight loss, facilitates the burning of adipose tissue in the body, eliminates toxins, and increases energy. Usage can be once or twice weekly.